Since I live in Washington DC and given that there is a new administration who is looking forward to accomplishing a lot in their first 100 days in office, I too am starting a 100 days challenge to create my own agenda. Why am I doing this? Because we all have the same 24 hours and the ability to govern ourselves according to our own mandate.
Regardless of your political affiliation I challenge you to also take the #first100dayschallenge because you too have the ability to create your own agenda just like our new government administration. No matter if you agree or disagree with our governments' vision take action by creating your agenda and perhaps someday you too will be given the opportunity to implement your vision for a better country and world. Over the next 100 days I will seek to maximize my schedule with as many international related experiences, meetings and actions as possible and will recap about what I did during the day on this blog. I have no idea what will transpire as a result of this, but I do know that after reading "Getting Things Done" as long as I write down my next actions and set up reminders I will achieve my outcome. Day Eighteen (Feb 6) - Day One Hundred (April 29)
Met Dr. Klaus Schwab
Attended the Northeast WEF Shapers Retreat
Co-authored an article about Rotary International
Pimnuch works in the food space, so I get fed all the time. We tried Sri Lankan food for the first time and it was amazing.
30th bday with friends.
I have had some very unique opportunities to serve in the U.N and the U.S. Federal Government, but getting there wasn't very easy; therefore, I want to share my story in hopes of inspiring other young individuals to consider entrepreneurship or public service during a time of much need.