This New Year’s I am starting a personal Resolution Revolution. For the first time in my 26 years of age, I am writing this post in order to make a promise and more importantly to hold myself accountable to you all: my friends, family and mentors. If I don’t put my words out there, chances are I will take a day, a week or perhaps a month off, and under no circumstances will I ever cheat myself out of achieving greatness again.
Equally as important, I have learned and embraced this Chinese Proverb "If your vision is for a year, plant wheat. If your vision if for ten years, plant trees. If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people." So here it goes. About 2 months ago I discovered the Myers Briggs personality test and learned that my letters are ENTP, which according to Buzzfeed’s animal version says that I am a parrot. It also goes on to say that ENTP’s are rationalists who are outspoken, resourceful and like to generate ideas. Bingo that pretty much sums me up. |
I have had some very unique opportunities to serve in the U.N and the U.S. Federal Government, but getting there wasn't very easy; therefore, I want to share my story in hopes of inspiring other young individuals to consider entrepreneurship or public service during a time of much need.